Access Anthony’s insights for smart, personal productivity and effectiveness

Strange but powerful productivity hack—do nothing
Most productivity hacks are about doing more. But there is a simple but strange productivity hack that boost your output by you doing nothing…

100 years for one second: How to get better and level up at anything (even if you are already pretty good)
For a lot of people, big gains tend to come when we are developing initial competence in a skill. But once we attain to a level of comfort, progress slows down and we struggle to level up. But there is hope…

Activity or Productivity
Most things we do don't matter! Harsh? Yes I know, but true nonetheless. At least if we are being honest. The reality is that there are usually only a handful of activities that really make a difference in helping us achieve our goals. But what is the difference between activity and true productivity?

Data, Noise and Doo-Doo: An interesting life-lesson from a conversation with a Data Analyst
It is amazing the things we can learn when we just talk with other people. Especially when they are smart people. It is even more interesting when others help you see something completely new, or see something you knew in a different and powerful way.

How do you respond to change?
How much change have you witnessed? And how do you respond? As the carousel spins faster and faster, it is harder to hold on and not get flung out into the dark abyss. To continue to be productive and relevant, we need an approach to change that works.

The Talent CoNORMdrum and how it might be stopping you from reaching your full potential
Talent is an exalted trait, especially in our modern media-driven culture. We are surrounded by child stars, gifted athletes and all kinds of “naturals”. People who seem to have been gifted by the gods. People with talent. But tTalent is deceptive. And by itself, is never enough…

My dangerous work experiment - and what it taught me about productivity
It is not always easy to know what is adding value in our work. For me, it took a rather risky experiment to discover it. But I'm glad I did because it taught me something valuable

Root Work or Branch Work - Life Lessons from a philosopher and lumberjack
While living a solitary, reflective life in the woods, Thoreau penned these lines: “there are a thousand hacking at the branches of every one hacking at the root.” In this one quote, he touched on an important and critical aspect of individual and organizational productivity and problem-solving…

Do you need a mentor or a coach? What is the difference and how to choose
You often hear coach and mentor used interchangeably. And while there is some overlap, a coach is quite different from a mentor. This is important for you to know because going into a mentoring relationship while expecting a coaching experience can lead to confusion and disappointment…

Three upgrades you might not have thought about that will help you achieve your goals in the new year
A new year is upon us – 2019. Many have set goals, others have made resolutions. New Year, new you right? Well, not really…