Ep-018: On Additive Bias and why problems are better solved by removing things instead of adding.

About 80-20 Productivity Deep Dives

80-20 productivity deep dives is a series on 80 20 Productivity where Anthony Sanni discusses concepts and phenomena related to the 80-20 principle and explores how these concepts can be used to help you do more by doing less.

Ep-018: On Additive Bias and why problems are better solved by removing things instead of adding.
Anthony Sanni

Episode Summary

Is more really more? When it comes to problem-solving, the answer is not so obvious. More often than we might realize, adding things is actually a worse strategy for solving problems than simply taking things away. This episode discusses additive bias and the human tendency to think more is more. Especially, the episode covers why we have this tendency, how it is negatively impacting our problem-solving skills, and importantly, what we might do to overcome it.

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Some of the main points—The Vital Few (TVF) Timestamps:

  • What is additive bias, problem solving and how additive bias hampers creative problem solving (5:04)

  • Legos and why we have additive bias (17:02)

  • Smart subtractions and Chesterton’s Fence (07:05)

  • Wondering why we tend to think more is more? Evolution, status quo bias and how organizations are rigged against you (24:23)

  • The cost of thinking and acting like more is always more (30:06)

  • Level up your problem-solving—how to beat additive bias and all it’s problems (41:20)

Notes and References

Anthony Sanni

Anthony lives to help organizations and individual thrive! He is an author, speaker, consultant and coach specializing in personal effectiveness and productivity,

He used to be an engineer making use of tools, now he helps professionals use the right tools to make the most of themselves.

Follow Anthony on LinkedIn and subscribe to the blog to keep in touch.


Ep-019: Unlocking the Power of Pivotal Activities for Optimized Productivity


EP-017 (TVF Tuesday): The 2-minute rule