Access Anthony’s insights for smart, personal productivity and effectiveness
Data, Noise and Doo-Doo: An interesting life-lesson from a conversation with a Data Analyst
It is amazing the things we can learn when we just talk with other people. Especially when they are smart people. It is even more interesting when others help you see something completely new, or see something you knew in a different and powerful way.
Self-Us-Team: An Easy Way to Understand and Practice Successful Leadership
How do you respond to change?
How much change have you witnessed? And how do you respond? As the carousel spins faster and faster, it is harder to hold on and not get flung out into the dark abyss. To continue to be productive and relevant, we need an approach to change that works.
The Talent CoNORMdrum and how it might be stopping you from reaching your full potential
Talent is an exalted trait, especially in our modern media-driven culture. We are surrounded by child stars, gifted athletes and all kinds of “naturals”. People who seem to have been gifted by the gods. People with talent. But tTalent is deceptive. And by itself, is never enough…
Your information doesn't matter to your audience as much as this does
I love learning and ideas excite me. So when I started speaking professionally, I would overwhelm my audience with information. I thought that the more content I shared, the more value I was bringing. That is, until I started paying attention…
Are noise-cancelling headphones the answer?
You too can harness the power of music in making you more effective. And that is immensely useful regardless of what you trying to achieve – a brilliant report, a book chapter, an article, a dissertation or an outstanding presentation
My dangerous work experiment - and what it taught me about productivity
It is not always easy to know what is adding value in our work. For me, it took a rather risky experiment to discover it. But I'm glad I did because it taught me something valuable
Root Work or Branch Work - Life Lessons from a philosopher and lumberjack
While living a solitary, reflective life in the woods, Thoreau penned these lines: “there are a thousand hacking at the branches of every one hacking at the root.” In this one quote, he touched on an important and critical aspect of individual and organizational productivity and problem-solving…
Is your voice making your presentation boring? 5 tips to making your voice more impressive
How you sound matters and makes an enormous impact on the audience. I would say the impact of your voice is important under two major headings…
Looking to level up? This will help
I often wonder whether or not I am performing at my highest level. Am I working at my peak or am I in the dreaded "comfort zone"? If so, how do I level up?