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Speaking to inform? Advanced speech arrangement techniques to do it like a pro
Are Your Presentations Boring? 3 Tips to keep your audience interested in what you have to say
Have you ever found yourself talking on the phone enthusiastically only to realize that your connection was lost minutes ago? Well, in public speaking, connection with the audience is lost even more often. And what do most speakers do?
Your information doesn't matter to your audience as much as this does
I love learning and ideas excite me. So when I started speaking professionally, I would overwhelm my audience with information. I thought that the more content I shared, the more value I was bringing. That is, until I started paying attention…
First AID for persuasive public-speaking
5 books every speaker should read (Only if they are serious about speaking)
What to wear for a presentation: 3 points to consider
How to persuade an audience when they don't like your ideas
Master the analogy - a powerful persuasive tool
An analogy is a figure of speech that can be a very effective way to convey complex information. It makes your idea easy to understand, and more importantly, easy to remember. But it must be done right for it to work.
One persuasive technique to make you instantly more influential
Persuasion is about getting someone to think or act in a certain way. You will see right away that this is a priceless skill to possess (yes, it is a skill). Therefore the mastery of persuasive techniques can give the bearer an incalculable advantage in business, career and personal life.