Communicate Clear-Ly

“You are using words I know in a sequence I understand but I am not hearing you so I am not agreeing with you”

Ever been there? Ok most people won’t actually say those exact words but they might as well. In essence this is what people are really saying when you or I fail to communicate effectively.

It is one thing to have a thought, opinion or idea. It is another thing to put it into words and sentences. It is something entirely different to communicate it in a way that makes it easy (almost irresistible) to agree with it.It is this crafting of your communication, particularly for initiating a change in the workplace environment, which is the purpose of this communication model.

I developed the CLEAR™ Communication Model to help people who want a simple and actionable formula they can follow to get their points across with power and confidence at work without having to study a tonne of the psychology of communication.

Apparently, like my wife has pointed out to me, not everyone enjoys poring over layers of research on the subject as much as I do. Who knew? So here it is! Many hours of study, practice and observation condensed into 5 simple steps.

For your convenience, I have prepared a nice one-page infographic of the model for you. But first, a note on how the model should be applied

How to use the CLEAR Model

The model is self-explanatory and easily adaptable to all kinds of business communications – verbal as well as written.

This model is intended mainly for one-on-one conversations particularly with decision makers. This does not mean it cannot be scaled to addressing a workplace audience (say in a group presentation). However, in such a case, it will serve only as a skeleton and will require other elements to flesh it out.If you will be using this model as a framework for a longer presentation, be sure to consult my FREE E-BOOK that helps you avoid the common mistakes presenters make.

What applying the CLEAR™ model will achieve

  • It will help you identify gaps in your ideas that could be fatal to its acceptance by your listener (or audience).

  • It will improve your image as a thoughtful, competent and intelligent leader and team member.


This model will not fix bad ideas. Come-in-your-underwear Friday needs a lot more than a communication model for it to fly. That is, at least, in most of the companies with whom I have worked.

Anthony Sanni

Anthony lives to help organizations and individual thrive! He is an author, speaker, consultant and coach specializing in personal effectiveness and productivity,

He used to be an engineer making use of tools, now he helps professionals use the right tools to make the most of themselves.

Follow Anthony on LinkedIn and subscribe to the blog to keep in touch.


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