Without this, you will struggle with productivity

Productivity is not just about getting things done. It is about getting the right things done in the best and most efficient way. I call it product-activity. That is activity that is geared towards a product. And in this article, I will explain one key component that is often the critical factor to success and productivity—concentration. Let us begin.

Concentration demonstration

Have you ever tried to thread a needle, or spell a complex word like ostentatious backwards without writing it down?

If not, then you are clearly not into seams or silly board games. Well, go ahead and try. It is unlikely you carry needles around in your pocket or purse so just try to spell ostentatious backwards.

No peeking now…How did it go? How did you feel?

That feeling? The one you got as you marshaled your mental and physical powers? That is concentration.

We all do it when we channel energy, thought and other resources to the achievement of something. And without training, mastering and applying concentration, we will struggle to produce our truly best work.

We may produce good work, but not our best because our best work demands the best of us. And the best of us demands concentration.

I believe there are two key dimensions to the role of concentration of productivity—concentration on the goal, and concentration on the tasks.

Let’s talk about them.

Clear eye on the prize. Keep your goal in sight

I use planners a lot. I have tried different kinds—electronic, paper, 3-month planners, weekly planners etc. I am even designing one based on my own productivity system.

One thing about good productivity planners is that they make you articulate goals ahead and then demand that you be accountable along the way for the achievement of those goals.

In other words, they keep your eye on the prize—the achievement of your goals. This is because the designers of good productivity planners recognise the power and importance of the first dimension of concentration – never losing sight of the goal. Or, in my words, making sure that you are engaged in product-activity and not just activity.

This dimension of concentration is what I like to call far-focus. It is the ability to hold the desired outcome in our mind’s eye and to check our present daily behaviour, activities and abilities against that.

How to use far focus

To engage this dimension of concentration, set aside a regular time where you revisit your clearly articulated goal. This could be daily or weekly—whatever works for you. Just make sure it is regular and not too far apart. Use this as a check-in to make sure you are not derailed in your day-to-day activity.

Why check-in

Believe me, it is easier than you think to lose your way in our world of growing speed and ever diverging demands and priorities. Our brains are wired to pay attention to what is presently in front of us so if we do not habitually place our goals literally in front of us (that is, by reading, revisiting and rehearsing them to ourselves), we run the high risk of drifting like a rudderless raft.

Three months, three years or three decades later we wake up and realize that we had no agency at all in where we have now ended up. We realize we did not exercise our gift of self-determination. What a sad day that would be. But it need not be if we would keep our eye on the prize.

And now, let us go on to the next dimension of concentration

Concentration on the task at hand

Purpose – Vision - Goals - Tasks. I call this the holy cascade of producing your best work.

Side note: This is listed in increasing level of detail, and decreasing level of sexiness.

This article deals with goals and tasks. So, not very sexy, but very necessary stuff. It’s where the rubber hits the road; where the fingertips hit the keyboard; where we get sweaty; where we make the calls and work our plans.

This is why planning and performing our daily product-activities is so important. You see, it is possible to get so starry-eyed about the goal that we end up in an unproductive dreamy daze.

Without the ability to bring the powers of concentration to bear on the tasks we need to perform to achieve our goals, we will not get much of high value done.

But how?

Set time aside every day, preferably early in the day, to intentionally set your course for the day. Decide on the tasks that need doing. And then, most importantly, when you do them, concentrate. There are a few hacks you can employ to aid you.

I like the Pomodoro Technique® And if you find you struggle with procrastination, read this post here.

Whatever methods you use, make sure you can concentrate. Avoid multi-tasking – one thing at a time. Better to finish well on one thing you have focused on than to have three things half-done and shoddy.

The point? Spell backwards

A grand castle is the vision of an architect, but the work of a builder. An artistic masterpiece may have been conceived in one stroke of genius, but it became reality through many strokes of the brush, pen or hammer.

Each dimension demands our concentration.Remember when you tried to spell backwards earlier on? You had the goal in mind, but you also had to put the letters together. And, of course, you had to concentrate. Now do the same for your goals.

Until the next post,Be your best and do your best.     

Anthony Sanni

Anthony lives to help organizations and individual thrive! He is an author, speaker, consultant and coach specializing in personal effectiveness and productivity,

He used to be an engineer making use of tools, now he helps professionals use the right tools to make the most of themselves.

Follow Anthony on LinkedIn and subscribe to the blog to keep in touch.


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