Access Anthony’s insights for smart, personal productivity and effectiveness

The Law of The Morning - some unusual science-based reasons why the morning is vital to your productivity
Emerson said that the entire universe is based on a handful of laws. Well, so is productivity – and one of those foundational laws is what I call the Law of the morning.

Trick your brain into beating procrastination using this simple hack
In this article, I will let you in on one easy but very effective tip to trick your brain past procrastination to action and ultimately productivity and the sense of fulfillment that comes with it. Let us begin. No need to delay…

How a tomato changed my life

Speaker mistakes Part II - Set your house in order
This post is part 2 in the series and deals with a vital aspect of your speech - your organization. Or what I call setting your speech in order. Audience members told me it is frustrating for them when speakers are not organized in the presentation of their content.

Ace your certification exams with this one simple study tip
Long before I had to take any certification exams, I faced my own battles with test-taking back in university. The “struggle” continued until a friend of mine opened my eyes to a simple but powerful technique for acing my exams with less time spent studying and an improvement in my grades.

3 mind tricks your brain is playing on you - and how to beat them
Your brain is like the best friend who will do anything to keep you safe and sound. Anything. Sometimes that involves a mind trick.
Negativity Bias—One mind quirk you are probably not making the most of in your presentations
What touching your toes and reaching your goals have in common

Can dressing up make you smarter? The answer might surprise you
Most people will agree that dressing up probably makes you look smarter. But what if I told you that it goes beyond looks. What if I told you that throwing on your best threads can nudge your intelligence and performance up a few points? Hard to believe? Read on…