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Productivity Principles from Japan II - ShuHaRi
This is the second post in my 2-part series on productivity principles from Japan. I share the Japanese principle of ShuHaRi - a martial arts concept that presents the student’s journey to mastery in an elegant 3-step framework – Shu-Ha-Ri.

Ace your certification exams with this one simple study tip
Long before I had to take any certification exams, I faced my own battles with test-taking back in university. The “struggle” continued until a friend of mine opened my eyes to a simple but powerful technique for acing my exams with less time spent studying and an improvement in my grades.
Why You Should Stop Reading Immediately!

Learn any subject faster and better – Economical learning techniques 4
Your performance of about 80% of a skill will depend on the mastery of about 20% of the components of that skill. And knowing that up-front can accelerate your learning…

Learn any subject faster and better – Economical learning techniques 3
This is the 3rd post in the accelerated learning through economical learning series. We will get into an important technique you will apply before engaging the material you are trying to learn.

Learn any subject faster and better – Economical learning techniques 2
In the first post in this series, I introduced you to a concept of accelerated learning I call Economical Learning. In this post, I introduce the next stage of the Economical Learning model.

Learn any subject faster and better - Economical learning techniques 1
Look around. Jobs and entire careers are appearing and disappearing out of thin air. Learning is not an option in today's fast-paced world. And accelerated learning is a must for the time-starved modern-day professional.